Iceland and Greenland Climate Change and the Arctic Sit Review

Program Reviews

8.4 Rating

based on 5 reviews

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Aye, I recommend this program

Really special outdoor feel <3

This experience was and then special, I nevertheless think about it every solar day. People considering this program should be passionate about climate alter, ecology, and geology, only you don't take to exist majoring in any of those things. Just be ready to learn and take initiative in your research projects! I developed some astonishing friendships with my grouping members, and the program mentors, Lisbet and Dan, are some of the almost incredible educators and mentors I accept e'er had. In this program you lot will bring together many disciplines, only most of your time is spent exploring the *mindblowing* nature of Iceland. If you dearest hiking, swimming in the freezing bounding main, and seeing cute views so yous will love this program!

What was the nearly unfamiliar thing you ate?

I was shocked to exist a fan of slátur, a typical Icelandic meat dish fabricated from the leftover innards of a sheep. Mixed with rice pudding and some strawberry sauce, it sounds weird simply information technology'southward and so yummy. I too ate a crazy amount of fish soup, which was a little different each time and so adept.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Iceland

Studying in Iceland provided me with a very unique opportunity to report climate modify in a place where the extreme effects are being felt everyday. This program provided a hands on academic opportunity and amazing experiences traveling around the coast of Iceland. I learned so much on this program and developed interests in new areas that I had not focused on before. The highlights of my fourth dimension in Republic of iceland included homestays, attention the Chill Circumvolve Conference, and the development of individual enquiry projects that resulted in a terminal presentation. The natural environs of Iceland never ceased to astonish me and each day brought something special. Double rainbows, northern lights, and countless vistas were the norm throughout my time in Iceland.

What would y'all amend about this programme?

I would have liked a little more guidance from our academic advisors when it came to our Independent Study Projects. While they supported the ideas that we brought to the table, I think there was an opportunity for greater development had they helped in finding u.s. advisors and easily on research or internships to take role in.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Iceland and Greenland: a Great Personal Growth Experience

The report abroad feel was phenomenal for the leaders and people I did it with. There were tons of opportunities to bond and explore these beautiful locations. This is a great learning experience for both living alone or with a small group of friends away and likewise for learning about how the climate is changing the areas yous're living in for the semester. The homestay is a specially valuable opportunity to immerse yourself in Icelandic culture and make connections with people from a completely dissimilar background. The Isp was also a fantastic opportunity to plan and execute your own research question. This program really excels in giving you the freedom to explore what you're interested in and follow your passions, so to make the most of it, you lot should exist curious and explore outside the classroom!

What would you improve about this program?

More cultural immersion would have fabricated the feel feel more authentic. Although the homestay was a nifty opportunity to be part of an Icelandic family, I felt like that was the only office of the programme where I didn't feel similar a tourist/intruder.

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Yeah, I recommend this plan

Swell feel!

I learned a lot about climate change (Dan, the professor for all the classes, is great). I came in with almost no knowledge of ecology science (I'yard a physics major) but was still able to go along upwardly in the classes. We didn't go much busywork, so there wasn't much stress and a lot of time to go sight-seeing. They also took us to do some big sight-seeing things (we saw a lot of waterfalls, we hiked on a glacier, we went to the Blue Lagoon, etc.), which was actually cool.

Nosotros more often than not stayed in hostels, where there were v-8 people per room, but we only shared a room with other people from the program. In the hostels, we got breakfast, which was nice, and were given a food stipend for lunch and dinner. The food stipend was very generous, as long as you cooked your ain food and didn't eat out very much.

We had one 3-week homestay, which I actually enjoyed. I loved my host family and take stayed in touch with them. One person in our group had trouble with their host family and was moved immediately.

What would you meliorate nigh this program?

I wish we spent more time learning and practicing Icelandic.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Loved the Bookish Manager, loved the area, thought headquarters (VT) was disrespectful

Overall the plan had an equal number of positives and negatives. Some positives include the freedom I got for each newspaper to write about a topic that I was interested in and comfortable with. The Academic Director was challenging but extremely helpful. In all honesty, professors can make or break a class, and I thought my Academic Director really made the course the success that it was. Another positive was my homestay. It was originally advertised as an 8-week homestay, merely it turned out to but be three weeks. My family unit was wonderful and fun, and even though the iii boys (all nether the age of 8) did not speak English, nosotros were able to communicate a little through games. There were some negatives equally well. I was on the first semester of the programme, and there were some logistical mistakes and some tweaking that nevertheless needed to be washed. Merely I'thou sure that as the plan continues it volition get better. Unfortunately, I didn't think my classmates were equally flexible or understanding as they should have been, considering that this was the start semester. There were a lot of cliques in my plan, and information technology was non very diverse. Unfortunately, Sit programs accept a high charge per unit of grade inflation. Significant that no matter how poorly you did on a paper, the bookish Manager (who does all of the grading) is still expected to give you a ameliorate grade. Whether that appeals to you or not, I recollect information technology is dishonest. My AD, however, did not form this style (and I know this because I almost never got the course I wanted, I ever got a worse ane). He was honest and hard with his grading, which made me work even harder. Throughout the semester my grades improved significantly, and now I can look back on this program and say that this was where I learned how to write a scientific paper. The Bookish Director is very vivid and you can tell he is passionate about this plan, even one month into the get-go semester. He challenges his students in multiple ways, whether he is testing your time management skills or writing skills. I feel that I can talk to him about anything, and I know I am biased because non everyone feels the aforementioned way. He doesn't act like an boilerplate professor who yous only see for an hr or two in the twenty-four hour period, like you would whatever other professor at a university. For the first iii weeks, the Academic Director lived with us in the same hostel and was a part of our social lives outside of form. I got to know him equally a person rather than just the professor. And I think if he continues to work for this trip in particular, he will make information technology a huge success for semesters to come up.

Nosotros were always traveling, and so it made it hard not to feel like a tourist (fifty-fifty in a town I spent 9 weeks in). Also, a part of this issue was due to the fact that I didn't speak Icelandic and I didn't desire people to go out of their way to speak English language.

I wish I knew how rude and disrespectful Sit headquarters has been towards me, my classmates, and the Academic Director. Throughout the whole plan (even before and after) I felt like Sit headquarters didn't back up me.

What would you improve near this program?

And so, here's the thing, I would only recommend the programme if the current Bookish Director was staying with this SIT plan. I thought he was a big success for this program. Unfortunately, he isn't working with them during hereafter semesters and I can easily meet this program falling autonomously. I know that in the spring of 2017 Sit has a (very dainty but unqualified in grading climate change-related papers) person as the Academic Director. And so I do not think it'south the right time to apply for the program. It's sad, because I Easily saw this program being a success and now I don't recall the program volition be as great as it could have been.

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